How to make an invoice and quotation

How to make an invoice and quotation

How to make an invoice?

This page provides a comprehensive guide on creating an invoice using the TradingForms Invoice Generator. Whether you're a freelancer, small business owner, or self-employed professional, this step-by-step guide shows how to make an invoice using the TradingForms Invoice Generator.

  1. The first time you will provide the necessary credentials to log in or create a new account if required.
  2. Begin (first select the Template and then) by entering your business information in the Bill From section. This includes your Name, Email, Website, Address, Date, and logo. Ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date.
  3. Next, provide the necessary details of your client or customer in the Bill To section. This includes their Name, Email, Website, Address, Phone, and any other relevant details required for invoicing purposes.
  4. List the products or services provided to the client. Include a description, quantity, unit price, and any applicable taxes or discounts. If there are multiple items, you can add them as separate line items.
  5. If you require, apply any taxes or discounts to the invoice total. Specify the tax rate and any discounts provided, and then the system will calculate the final invoice amount.
  6. Based on the provided quantity and unit price for each item, the TradingForms Invoice Generator would automatically calculate the subtotal. This will ensure that the calculations are accurate.
  7. Once you have entered all the necessary details, preview the invoice to ensure its accuracy and appearance. Make any final adjustments if needed. Once satisfied, then Save the invoice.

Invoice Preview:

  1. On Preview: We have some fields that will show on the screen.
  2. Edit: By clicking on this button, you will be navigated to edit mode of the invoice.
  3. Record Payment: While clicking on this, a modal will appear and here you will be able to pay the payment via cash/cheque/credit card etc.
  4. PDF: Clicking on this button, PDF will open in a new tab.
  5. Copy URL: When you click on this button your Invoice url will be copied and you can use it for sharing.
  6. Email invoice: When you click on an email invoice, popup will show and you can write email and send it.
  7. Color, DiscountType, Currency: While clicking on color you can customize Invoice color. You can also add Tax. You can select the discount type which is “On Total”, “Per Item”. You can select currency and dropdown will appear, you can select one of them.

How to send an invoice

  1. Before sending an invoice, make sure it's accurate and complete. Double-check all the details, including the client's information, invoice number, payment due date, itemized products or services, and the total amount. Verify that any taxes or discounts are properly applied.
  2. The most convenient method to send the invoice is via email. So click on the Email Invoice icon in the Invoice List and a modal will appear.
  3. Ensure you have the correct email address for your client.
  4. When sending the invoice, it's essential to include a professional and courteous message. This message should be Greetings, Invoice references, Invoice details, Thank you etc.
  5. Attach the invoice as a PDF (hit checkbox) and Click on the Send button.
  6. On preview the invoice screen, you will also see the button “Email Invoice”. You can also share the invoice with the help of this button.

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